Wall Mounted Gas Patio Heater Maintenance – Tips to Keep Your Wall Heater Running Smoothly

If you have a wall mounted gas patio heater, then you are pretty much on your own in maintaining the system. You will need to install new screws every so often and replace any broken ones.

There are some things that you will need to remember when installing the wall heater. The heater itself is somewhat fragile and will break easily if you overheat it. Make sure that it is set up for the correct temperature for your climate. For example, if you live in a very cold climate, then it would be a good idea to keep the heater at below 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

The next most important thing to keep in mind is to always place the heater about 3 feet away from any structures such as water lines, electric lines, and the fireplace. It is also a good idea to keep all appliances in a room separate from the wall heater.

You do not want to heat up any small children or pets that might come into contact with the heater. If you do not have the room for the heater, you can put it in an area of the house that is protected from external elements.

Some of the newer outdoor heaters will have attachments for extending the heater up to your home. Be sure to check these attachments before getting one.

There are a lot of different models out there and they may not be compatible with each other. If you don’t know what you are doing, you should go to the dealer and have them check it out for you. Do not run into trouble by trying to figure out what you need on your own.

Many people make their own patio heaters from scratch using plans found online. If you have the right plans, you can get one that is very easy to install. Don’t forget that they come in handy especially when it is cold outside.